Another selection of former stuff.


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This time, I chucked out the glass cup that came with my electric toothbrush because it had broken. It fits perfectly over the charger so that when the toothbrush needs charging I can just pop it into the glass, all vintagey and house-proudish. It broke ages ago and I held onto it thinking I could use it to create a new cup of some kind to go over the charger. I never got around to it and it had to go.

A handful of manicure and pedicure accessories. I give myself a lot of manis and pedis, but because I am a cheap bastard I hold onto things well past their best-by-date. The clock had struck for these, and out they went.

A `lucky bamboo’ plant that my partner and I got when we first moved into our current place. It died, which is sad but is not a reflection on our relationship. Good bye.

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